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Raising funds needn’t be so exhausting, we understand that time is precious and although we would like to help out, its just not possible due to other commitments.  Well now you have the ability to help by a click of a button…. Or two!

We have partnered up with some of the top online shopping companies to secure ££ cashback from purchases, when you shop the school earns, it’s as simple as that!  Here’s how to click and earn!

More and more of us are turning to amazon for our online shopping, now you can earn money for our school in a few simple steps.

Cash % Donated

Check out the award winning range of scooters and for every order placed online using code 102958 we receive 10%..

20% Cashback to us!

This has to be the easiest most effective way to earn money for our school  Thousands of stores giving us their money! Simple register here.... 

1000's of stores

The new way to name your school belongings. A personalised stamp usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. Stamp it or loose it! Use code SM53HW at checkout

20% Cashback to us!

If you work for an organisation that has a Match Funding policy, any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Companies may match the fundraising total for an event, or for a stall at the Summer Fair that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will just need to supply them with a letter from the PSA detailing the date and nature of the event, together with the total raised.

Ask Your Company to Help

Ask if your employer has a Match Funding Scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events. You’ve got nothing to lose!  If you are able to help, please email us at and we can discuss your companies’ requirements.   Working together really can make a difference.

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